Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Red Robin

If you are looking for a casual night out with friends or family, look no further than Red Robin. With it's friendly servers and delicous food, it is sure to be a fun and relaxed night out. I usually go to Red Robin when I'm out of town but recently I went there in my home town recently and it was a pleasant experiance. When I first walked in I was kindly greeted by a server who directed me to our booth. She gaves us a few minutes before taking our orders. While looking at the menu , I noticed how vast it was. When the food came out it was all very tasteful and flavorful. The burgurs were large and there were also bottomless stake fries. After the meal, I was well fed and happy I made the trip to Red Robin. Red Robin is aslo known for it's catchy commercials that bring customers in and it leaves them with a catchy jingle that they won't forget.

In my opinion, there is nothing a business can do better than to have customers humming the theme of their commercial. It reminds the person of that place and keeps them comming back. Overall, I see Red Robin as a prospering restaurant chain that treates their customers right. There is great service along with great food and even the commercialls stick with whoever is watching it. Red Robin is a restaurant that I recomend going back to multiple times because of the enjoyable experiance that I had.

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